Student Resources
Contact information for the following issues:
Medical help: Health Center
Mental wellbeing: Counseling & Psychological Services
Healthy food for free: Oh SNAP/CalFresh
County wide assistance: Humboldt County Department of Health & Human Services
Getting a job: Academic & Career Advising Center
Understanding loans and grants/getting financial assistance: Financial Aid
Understanding tuition and fees: Student Financial Services
Accomodations for students with disabilities: Student Disability Resource Center
Tutoring services: Learning Center
Writing help: The Writing Studio
General Education Advising: Academic & Career Advising Center
Registration and DARS directions and tutorials: Student Center Help
Exploring topics about personal, professional and academic success: SkillShops
Cultural Centers:
Native American Center (ITEPP)
Class Issues:
Issues with instructors (order of contact): speak with instructor, Chair of the department (SH 111), Dean of Students (SH 211)